Whether your goal is to enter ministry, or you just want to understand the Word of God and develop an intimate relationship with God to impact your environment and those around you for the Kingdom, MPGS is an excellent choice of school. In addition to teaching you the sound Biblical doctrine, MPGS especially focuses on teaching you how to become a carrier of God’s glory and so become an atmosphere changer because a believer who lives at a higher glory level can do more for God in a short time than one who operates from lower glory levels.
At MPGS you will learn how to open portals to the glory realm through heavenly frequencies, how to eat from the Tree of Life rather Than the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Also, in this school you will learn how to hear from God, how to become an overcoming and victorious Christian, how to develop the gifts of the Holy Spirit and build the Temple of God within you. The reason we focus on teaching the student to climb the glory ladder because when you operate from high glory levels, one can impact the sector of society to which God has called you for the Kingdom.