Bible College
Mega Praise Ministries
School (MPMS)
One of the distinguishing characteristics I appreciated about this school of ministry is the freedom and support to grow beyond the course content, both spiritually and intellectually. The reading material selection for the courses contained a well-balanced combination of concrete and charisma. In general, this program nurtured personal growth, sound Biblical doctrine, intimacy with the Father, and flexibility for individuality. This program is primarily an on-line school with self-paced learning yet, the passion and impartation from this school is supernaturally real. Mega Praise Ministry School is a strategic weapon equipping believers to be ever intimate with God and advance His Kingdom for His Glory.
Wow, what an amazing and awesome experience this program has been for both me and my wife! Truly, God guided us to Mega Praise Ministries to go to the next level! Among other experiences, I was translated in the spirit during one of the spiritual exercises. Also, I started to ask God questions before I go to sleep. To my total amazement, He has answered every single question with specific details, instructions, warnings and revelation! What can I say more than…. “I’m so grateful God connected us with Dr. Sheva and Prophet Manual!” Thank you for the Mega Praise Bible College… it is truly a gift from God in my life! I couldn’t be more excited and confident in fulfilling my destiny.
Praise the Lord, I’ve noticed the growth in me:
– the desire and increase of praying in tongue everyday.
– I”ve had many opportunities to apply the lessons I’ve learned in past quarters, especially ‘keep silent and rise above the circumstances’ – which seemed so unreachable to me in early days.
– I’ve been using Dr. Sheva”s books to disciple others.
Dr Sheva, you are a solid precious pillar in the body of Christ!!! Glad I found you and this school!!! I strive towards attaining the Glory level! The spiritual exercises of the Bible School courses have become an integral part of my devotion to the Lord. As a result, I Have become a recipient of his heart and mind and this is what I have been experiencing as I spend these precious moments with the Holy Spirit. I have evolved from shy to bold as a lion; passive to active; having the desire to always want to spend my waking moments in the presence of the Lord and learning more about him. It has transformed me closer to who God wants me to be and functioning in that capacity; praying, interceding, counseling, dreams and interpretation of dreams. My Wisdom shocks me!!! how Holy Spirit takes over and uses my tongue and gives ideas that are way ahead of the natural thoughts. Oh, I can go on and on about the impact of transformation that is happening. I thank the Lord each day for this school and Mega Praise Ministries!!!!
Bible school is impacting me and my life in a very positive way. I am learning new things I wasn’t aware of before. Not many people are able to learn or discover what this school teaches on their own. I didn’t know certain things. I don’t know if I would have ever found out the importance of the Blood of Jesus and how to apply it in my life situations, or how to pray a prevailing prayer. I never had anyone teach me to focus my mind and emotions in order to pray fervently. Dr. Sheva Johnson’s books are amazing. There are so many things that I have learned from her books and other assigned books and Spiritual Exercises which are helping me. I am so glad to be in this Bible school that is training warriors for the army of God. I have received so much healing in my life already. I’m looking forward to learning more. I encourage you to keep taking more classes. It will change your lives.
Dr. Sheva, thank you for your time and attention helping me through the MPM program. Each book and assignment in the curriculum was a ‘right-on-time’ strength and resource for me, as well as helping to equip and sustain me. This program was a perfect fit from the Father to help me through an unforeseen season. Now, because of MPM providing an opportunity, I can say I believe I am at the beginning of a new season – a much brighter season: ‘for the winter has passed, the rains are over, the flowers have appeared, and it is a song of singing.’ The scope of this program has been a tool, used by God, to help heal and move me through a season of deep grief. Although I am uncertain what this next season will hold, I know for certain the ONE who ordains my seasons. Thank you for the opportunity to be a student in your program.

There is no better way to learn from Drs. Manuel & Sheva Johnson than completing their divinely inspired School of Ministry program. As a student of Mega Praise Ministries School (MPMS), not only do you discover the secrets to the spiritual knowledge and power of these powerful ministers, you also get the chance to interact with them through scheduled zoom meetings and/or phone appointments.
Whether you are already a minister, or called to ministry, or you just want to understand the Word of God and develop an intimate relationship with Him, MPMS is an excellent choice of a School. In addition to teaching you the sound Biblical doctrine, MPMS especially focuses on teaching you how to become a carrier of God’s glory and so become an atmosphere changer. You will learn how to open portals to the glory realm through heavenly frequencies.
Also, in this school, you will learn how to hear from God, become an overcoming and victorious Christian, develop the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and build the Temple of God within you. We focus on teaching how to climb the glory ladder because a believer who lives at a higher glory level can do more for God in a short time than one who operates from lower glory levels.
At MPMS, occupying different sectors of society is taught to be as important as occupying the religious sector in order to transform our world and establish God’s Kingdom on the earth. MPMS teachings encourage the student to discover and walk in his/her own unique mantle and calling.
The full-time curriculum is to be completed in about 2 years. Each year consists of 4 quarters. If you wish to be a part-time student, please inform the administration, in which case the same program can be extended for you.
At the completion of the program (end of a 2-year program), the student will receive a certificate of Completion—for a tuition fee of $250 per quarter.
Although the program is mainly by self-study, phone and/or Zoom meetings are held each quarter as deemed necessary to provide support to the students.
There is a one-week break after the completion of each course, during which the tuition fee for the next course must be paid. The following are the powerful subject matters covered in MPMS Courses:
- Biblical Exegesis
- Eschatology
- Lessons From Beyond the Grave
- Christian Authority
- The Realm of Darkness
- Attaining the Anointing & Spiritual Gifts
- Quantum Physics, the Science of the Spiritual Realm
- Climb the Glory Ladder
- The Mystery of the Bride
- And More

To receive an application form or for more questions, email us at [email protected] or call us at 310.295.0284.
Dig deep into the Bible and study the powerful themes and messages in God’s Word through MPMS. We are committed to Training Champions for Christ.
Mega Praise Ministries School
- is 100% Self-Study
- gives you the discernment for sound doctrine
- is non-denominational
- If you so desire, and we receive confirmation from the Holy Spirit, at the completion of the school, we will license you and ordain you as a minister in the sector of society God wants you to impact and transform.
- Fill out an application
- Submit your personal profile
- Purchase books and materials.
You will be approved and enrolled in the school upon evaluation.
Financial Aid
Financial aid is available for low-income students who are serious about their spiritual growth.
Refund Policy
Any paid tuition fee is refundable for 30 days, minus $35 processing fee.