Mega Praise Ministries creates an atmosphere for the manifested presence of God (the Holy Spirit) through praise and worship, which creates a corporate anointing that helps enable the believer to be sanctified, and unified with other believers praising unto God.

Reasons to Praise
Very simply, we praise God because He is worthy of our praise (1 Chron. 16:25; Rev. 5:11-14). He is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the King of kings and Lord of Lords. He is our Creator, Provider, Healer, Redeemer, Judge, Defender and much more! Another foundational reason to praise God is simple obedience. The Bible says God is a “jealous” God who demands and desires our praise. “You shall have no other gods before Me,” says the first commandment (Deut. 6:7). As the psalmist said, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord” (Psalm 150:6). Give unto the LORD, O ye mighty, give unto the LORD glory and strength, Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness” (Psalm 29:1-2). Let everything that has breath praise the LORD (Psalm 150:6). God is worthy to hear His children speak reverently about Him on a continual basis. Daily the praises of who He is in our life should pour from our lips, recognizing Him for His glorious nature.
To truly glorify God is to go beyond the words of our lips, it comes from the heart. It is something that should be manifested in our daily lives. Praise, according to the Scriptures, is an act of our will that flows out of an awe and reverence for our Creator. Praise gives glory to God and opens us up to a deeper union with Him. It diverts our attention off our problems and ourselves and directs it to the nature and character of God Himself. As we focus our minds on God and proclaim His goodness, we reflect His glory back to Him. The results can fill you with peace and contentment (Isaiah 26:3) and transform your outlook on life. Praising God with your lips is one thing, but glorifying God with your life is something very different. Glorifying God is the manifestation of the praise that is living on the inside of you, working on the outside for all men to see. Praising God helps restore us to that right relationship, for God actually dwells in the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3). As we draw near to the Father in praise, He draws near to us (James 4:8). Worship brings delight and pleasure to God and it shifts our focus from ourselves to God. It is also a powerful weapon against the devil; it silences the accuser and denies him of his power because worship brings down God’s presence and power. When our worship rises to God, His power is manifested and healing often takes place.
Praise for Protection
God also gives us assurances of additional blessings as we praise Him. When we praise God, He honors us as His children and provides His loving protection (2 Sam. 22:47-51). God can also work miraculously through our praises. The ancient walls of Jericho came crashing down, giving victory to God’s people, as a result of shouts of praise (Joshua 6:1-21). This is what happens when the corporate anointing begins to flow. An example of this in action is the invasion of Jericho in the book of Joshua. The very first city they took was not as individuals, but with the corporate anointing. Satan therefore tries to persuade us that we will eventually reach a point where we can “do it ourselves.” Disguised as an “angel of light,” the devil and his host seek subtly to subvert the praises the children of God owe to their heavenly Father. Praising God allows us to defeat the strategies of the enemy; we have a powerful spiritual weapon in praise. The prison doors shook open when Paul and Silas praised God (Acts 16:25-26). Even if you do not feel like praising God, praise God anyway! Despite your present feelings or circumstances, it is important to offer praise to God, which Hebrews 13:15 refers to as a “sacrifice” of praise. Praising the Lord also helps pull down spiritual Strongholds! (II Corinthians CH 10:4-5).
Psalms 149: 6-9 “Let the high praises of God be in their mouth,and a two-edged sword in their hand, to execute vengeance on the nations, and punishments on the peoples; to bind their kings with chains,and their nobles with fetters of iron; To execute on them the written judgment—this honor have all His saints.”

The Power of Unity
There are many blessings given to those who praise and worship. If you understand the calling and ministry of praise and worship, you will know that Judah (one of the tribes of Israel – Judah means Praise) is the tribe from which Jesus is born. That is why Jesus is known as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. You will also then understand that God promises unity to those who praise and worship.
- Ps 133:1- A song by David for going up to worship. See how good and pleasant it is when brothers and sisters live together in harmony!
- Ps 133:2- It is like fine, scented oil on the head, running down the beard-down Aaron’s beard- running over the collar of his robes.
- Ps 133:3- It is like dew on Mount Hermon, dew which comes down on Zion’s mountains. That is where the LORD promised the blessing of eternal life.
When the Bible mentions Zion, it is a prophetic reference to the Church, the Body of Christ worldwide. We see a picture of an anointing over Zion. Here is another example of the “Corporate Anointing” as it begins to operate and flow when we praise and worship together corporately. Come and join Mega Praise Ministries for an anointed praise and worship service, you will experience the presence of the Holy Spirit, a corporate anointing, and the lifting up of your soul to focus on God and his Glory and not your circumstances. Connect to God, feel the presence of the Lord and receive the blessing in healing & deliverance.