About Us
Manuel Johnson
Manuel Johnson was raised in a family of eight. He was brought up with Christian beliefs and was taught to pray at a very young age. He had a powerful conversion at the age of 23. The Lord has gifted him in the culinary industry and blessed him to have moved up the corporate ladder. Manuel has a degree as a Culinary Dietitian in the medical industry. He was also active in real estate investment. God, however, had a different plan for his future. Manuel was called to preach the gospel full-time. In spite of his degrees and established careers in the culinary and real estate fields, he answered the call to preach. He was licensed, trained, and ordained in ministry by True Vine Miracle Temple, Spirit and Truth Communication Network, and Bridge of Deliverance International. Manuel Johnson holds a Doctorate Degree in Divinity. He has also received an Honorary Degree in Theology from Next Dimension University. He is the author of Crossing Over. God has opened doors for him to preach the gospel with signs and wonders both in and outside of the United States.

Sheva Johnson
Sheva Johnson was raised in a family of five. She was introduced to the Gospel at the age of 23. Ever since she’s had a burden to reach the people of all nationalities with the message of salvation. Sheva graduated with a B.S. in Pharmacology from the University of Toronto, and a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from California State University, Los Angeles.
She was ordained and licensed by Mega Praise Ministries, and ordained by the Bridge of Deliverance International as a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and she has a Doctorate Degree in Divinity. In 2004, Sheva and Manuel were married. Now Sheva works side by side with her husband to preach the gospel, and to change lives by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Dr. Sheva has authored the following books: God’s Air Force, Revealed: the Mystery of Prevailing Prayer, Spiritual Defense, When Love Hurts, Revealed: the Mystery of His Glory, Revealed: the Mystery of the Bride of Christ, and Total Makeover in 21 Days. Please see our “Products” page for more details.