Welcome to Mega Praise

A Non-Denominational Ministry

We are out to reach the lost, build a relationship between God and man, for the worship, the presence, the healing, that is what it is about…

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Welcome Dear Friends,

Mega Praise Ministries is a non-denominational ministry, led by Pastor Manuel Johnson and his wife Shevah Johnson. They are compassionate leaders who serve with excellence and integrity. Pastor Manuel Johnson’s straightforward and uncompromising message of God’s love & truth has inspired many to a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Shevah Johnson’s revelatory teachings have brought deliverance and freedom to many.

Pastor Manuel Johnson shares this truth on the ministry’s social media platforms called “Behind The Scenes” and “Prophecy Update,” including the television program called “The Truth”™ program which airs on The Way TV Global Network on The Cross TV.   Please view your  local Cable Channel Listing for The Cross TV – click here to find your local cable channel or on their website.

Welcome Dear Friends,

Mega Praise Ministries is a non-denominational ministry, led by Pastor Manuel Johnson and his wife Shevah Johnson. They are compassionate leaders who serve with excellence and integrity. Pastor Manuel Johnson’s straightforward and uncompromising message of God’s love & truth has inspired many to a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Shevah Johnson’s revelatory teachings have brought deliverance and freedom to many.

Pastor Manuel Johnson shares this truth on the ministry’s social media platforms called “Behind The Scenes” and “Prophecy Update,” including the television program called “The Truth”™ program which airs on The Cross TV.   Please view your  local Cable Channel Listing for The Cross TV – click here to find your local cable channel or on their website.

Pastor Manuel Johnson is also part of the Elijah Streams Prophets.  You can watch Pastor Manuel on his “Behind The Scenes” Live-streams broadcasts on our Mega Praise Ministries YouTube Channel.

As well as you can “subscribe” and follow his Live-streams broadcasts on Rumble.com

Pastor Manuel Johnson is also part of the Elijah Streams Prophets.  You can watch previous broadcasts of Pastor Manuel on Elijah Streams on our Mega Praise Ministries YouTube Channel.

Mega Praise Ministries’ mission is to reach the lost, to bring the lost sheep back home and build a relationship between God and man, and to teach people how to enjoy a relationship with the Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit. Their passion is to equip and help God’s people grow, receive deliverance and healing, and walk-in God’s blessings. Pastor Manuel and Shevah Johnson have produced books and audio teachings to equip the Body of Christ on their journey with the Lord.

For more information, please contact us or join us at a service locally in the Los Angeles area, and experience the blessing.

We invite you to join us in being the extended hands of God to reach the lost, the poor, and the oppressed through your prayers and seed offering. We believe the best is yet to come and may the favor and blessing of the Lord be upon you, and again, welcome to Mega Praise Ministries.

Important Disclaimer:

At Mega Praise Ministries, we value sharing the prophetic revelations that Pastor Manuel Johnson receives from the Lord as they are given. These messages are presented to encourage and inspire you in your walk with God.

It is important to note that Pastor Manuel Johnson and Mega Praise Ministries are not financial advisors. We encourage everyone to take the following steps regarding investments, including cryptocurrency:

Pray and Seek the Lord: Spend time in prayer, asking for wisdom and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

Consult a Financial Advisor: Speak with a licensed and knowledgeable professional who can provide personalized advice tailored to your situation.

Do Your Research: Take time to explore and understand the opportunities and risks associated with investments

Our heart is to see you blessed, walking in faith, wisdom, and alignment with God’s plan for your life. Thank you for partnering with us and seeking the Lord in all areas, including financial stewardship.

Due to the magnitude of emails to the Ministry, we are unable to respond to each email, thank you for your understanding.

Mega Praise is a non-denominational ministry

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